A Conversation with Dave
Dave: I hate this f*cking place. Me: It’s a hell-hole. Dave: If Buffy came in here she’d turn around and walk straight back out. Me: Faith would get right in there though. Dave: Yeah. She’s…. dirty. Me: …..
The Temple of Bague Wasting bandwidth since 1997 - Now in our 27th wasteful year!
Ramblings / February 23, 2010 / John / 0
Dave: I hate this f*cking place. Me: It’s a hell-hole. Dave: If Buffy came in here she’d turn around and walk straight back out. Me: Faith would get right in there though. Dave: Yeah. She’s…. dirty. Me: …..
Ramblings / August 27, 2009 / John / 0
J.Daniels: Cables: I has them! J.Dow: w00t! j00 can has cabols! J.Daniels: I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be less painful to just hang myself with them. they’re quite sturdy. I think they could take it. J.Dow: Go for it. Can I have your netbook? J.Daniels: Over my dead b- oh, wait! ‘m wondering if it wouldn’t be
Geekery / August 12, 2009 / John / 0
j.daniels: 15 minute job to move disks and filesystems? That’s impressive. What’s your secret? j.dow: no, fifteen minute job to shut down box, add disks, and bring box back up j.daniels: Ahh. j.dow: the rest of it can be done hot. This is the cunning nature of sysadmins. j.daniels: Sadly, not cunning enough to dodge
Geekery / July 13, 2009 / John / 0
(15:19:21) j.dow/Home: Matey – can I schedule a two hour outage some evening to take a cold backup of live? (15:19:41) Dave: aye (15:19:54) j.dow/Home: or morning would work just as well (and be quieter) (15:20:01) Dave: get a date in mind and then i’ll pass to Simon to notify the clients (15:20:13) Dave: Morning
Ramblings / June 17, 2009 / John / 0
…there appears to be a conspicuous absense of Orange Stupid in the office today. It’s like we’ve been granted a temporary reprieve or a stay of execution. I guess it’s only a matter of time before it returns. However, let’s take a minute to have a little look around. I went for a nap at