Tag: rambling


Another year draws to a close and this one’s been a little odd. I guess if it was a Victorian children’s novel, chapter 2009 would be subtitled “In which many things long since dead were laid to rest and a surprising new door opens.” So, I’m forty next year. Not yet, but nearly. One thing

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A thought.

There comes a time, with some people, when you have to decide whether their seeming inability to understand the simplest of things is because they WON’T LISTEN or because they are actually just thick. Arrogance and stupidity are sometimes difficult to tell apart.

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Bit quiet, huh? I guess the reason for that is that there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Too many people to meet up with, too much stuff to do, too much coffee to drink, too many books to read, too much work to keep up with. And there it is.

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Poor Nelefa.org is getting a little abandoned these days. With most of my burbling being done on Facebook, there’s little point in posting here unless I have something specific to say. Except for today, of course, when I have absolutely nothing to say but am posting here anyway. Well, I SAY I have nothing to

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Two weeks holiday! And I have my children staying with me for the whole time! Double win! Yay!

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Gab gab gab

So, I’m back at work after a particularly restful holiday. Restful for everything except my gob, that is. I’ve spent an unholy amount of time sitting in Starbucks gabbing, sitting in the living room gabbing (until the sun came up!), sitting in the garden gabbing, and just generally, you know, gabbing. Am I gabbed out?

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…there appears to be a conspicuous absense of Orange Stupid in the office today. It’s like we’ve been granted a temporary reprieve or a stay of execution. I guess it’s only a matter of time before it returns. However, let’s take a minute to have a little look around. I went for a nap at

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