Category: Australia

All about our adventures in Oz.

More on Passports (and ACS)

Everything’s started moving now. The passports have been checked and sent by the post office, coming in at a cool 190UKP for all five. Yikes. We should get the birth and marriage certificates returned to us in the next day or two, so we can get them sent off to the migration agents for copying

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Righty-ho. The passport applications are done and dusted. We need to wait for our replacement birth and marriage certificates to arrive before we can get them sent off though. We’re going to use the post office “Check and Send” service, to make sure I haven’t stuffed up the forms. It’s a very long winded process.

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Lots of them. All in a dirty great big chain. First one to the Scottish Vocational Qualifications body to get duplicates of some certificates I’m missing, and the next to retrieve replacement birth and marriage certificates. Once I have birth and marriage certificates, I can get passports organised. Once we have passports and replacement certificates,

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Still Moving

Well, in most ways we’re not any further on but in some ways we’re miles ahead of where we were. For one thing, I have my head around the documentation required by the ACS and it turns out I’m better qualified than I thought I was. I have a whole pile of essays to write,

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This is a bit of a strange entry because I can’t actually publish it yet. Or at least, we can’t mention our names. Thing is, we’re planning to move to Australia, but as yet it’s a closely guarded secret for a number of reasons. A lot of people are likely to be upset by the

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