Author: John

Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)

FLIPPERS GET!! So, it’s off to the Droplet Temple I’m a goin’. Damn you nintendo! Why did you have to put a statuette shop in Hyrule village again? I’m now going to have to get EVERY SINGLE ONE now :-/

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Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)

As I was saying…… The strange thing about Zelda games is how they all, regardless of which title it is, manage to get me totally drawn into them. It’s just happened in the Wind Fortress when the plot has suddenly (as happens in Zelda games) gone veering off at a tangent. The appearance of a

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Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)

BOW GET! I’m not officially in the Fortress of Wind, after much squelching about in a muddy bog of doom. Found a novel way to gubb some Big Iron Blokes by miniaturising myself and then, well, popping inside and switching them off. Fab. So, this evening’s bounties consisted of: One pair of boots of incredible

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Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)

FIRE ELEMENT GET!! That’s the fire cave dungeon – one dungeon down, three million to go. Minish Cap is everything that’s ACEBEST about Zelda – interesting dungeons, tricky timing bits, and hugely entertaining bosses. All in a handy little pocket sized unit. Fab 🙂 The fire cave has it all – floating about on hurricanes

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Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

This game caused my DS and I to have a bit of a falling out. You see, it’s really really good. So good, in fact, that it tends to get played in extended sessions. It was during one of these sessions (climbing the mountain) that I discovered that the DS – while a great little

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Tiger Tiger

Well, Mac OS 10.4 is out – so what’s it like? In a word, lovely. One minor hiccup is that my SpeedTouch 330 USB ADSL modem no longer works but as it’s a huge resource hog at the best of times this isn’t a great loss. Spotlight is the thing that’s grabbed me the most

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I once had opportunity to visit a strange old lady who swore blind she could nasally extrude ectoplasm. She’d sit there, in the dark, rocking gently, and then whoop loudly, causing me to leap in the air. Invisible to all eyes except hers, a languid ectoplasmic tentacle would peer from her snout and poke around

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Banjo Kazooie (N64)

It’s an interesting thing. Banjo Kazooie is better than Doom 3. In fact, it’s better the most current generation games. I’ve spent far too long on it today, but it’s just such a great game with a brilliant mechanic that it can’t be helped. Also, I’ve never completed it and – as Debbie picked up

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