Author: John

BBC NEWS | Scotland | Blogging ‘a paedophile’s dream’

Oh for heaven’s sake. The BBC seem to have crawled down beside the Daily Mail in the gutter. The article linked below, written by an “expert” so misinformed she has the word “Cyberspace” in her department name, is yet another example of the press and government making deliberate attempts to frighten people. Every time something

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Nothing at all

It’s a larf, innit? The summer holidays are almost upon us – seven weeks the kids get off. There’s no justice. Still, I’m sure they’ll have a great time, scampering about like lunatics. Matthew’s rediscovered the trees in the orchard recently, so he’s been doing a spiderman impression. Trouble is, the first branches are quite

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Half Life 2 (PC)

And I’m out the other side of Ravenhome, thank god. That place was starting to give me a serious case of the willies. Of course, where I left off was standing looking down into a very dark mineshaft. Methinks I should have stayed behind and taken my chances with the mad vicar. Ace game.

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Ghost Hunter (PS2)

“Hang on,” thought I, wallowing in my Post RE4 ennui, “Ghost Hunter is a bit like RE4.” Third person. Check. Over the shoulder shooting. Check. First person view. Check. Sniping. Check. Scary. Check. Pretty….. ah. It’s on the PS2 – it can’t possibly be pretty. Still, it’s a while since I’ve looked at it so

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Final Fantasy X (PS2)

Having another spot of gaming ennui. Hardly playing anything these days. I think I may have to give myself a boost by playing through RE4 on hard 🙂 Had a shot of Final Fantasy X last night – it’s a lot prettier than I remember it being. The voice acting is, of course, still absolutely

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Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)

Wind Element GET! By God, that big manta ray stylee dungeon boss was tough! Still, the element has been get0red, and it’s back to Hyrule Castle where….. oh no! It’s all taken a turn for the sinister! A nice little cutscene where all the Zelda stuff we already knew was going to happen unfolds before

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Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC)

Been having a two-up play through of this today, with Matthew and Tristan alternating on the Tingle Tuner. They drive me nuts, but at the same time, add a really fun dimension to the game. Just done about 80% of the Forbidden Forest dungeon, making sure that we get every single treasure chest and hidden

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Destructive little morons

Why is it that the above title fits so many kids these days? There’s a particularly repellent little reptile who lives across the road from us who only seems to be able to express himself by destroying things. As an example, my four year old daughter drew a little picture and stuck it on the

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Republic Commando (Xbox)

10 print “BLAM!! Boom! DududududududududududududududuKERBLOOEY!! BLAMBLAMBLAM!! Waaagagagagagaga CRUDD KERBLAM!!! BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMKRSSZZZZZZZZT!!!” 20 GOTO 10

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Republic Commando (Xbox)

The bridge is blown in yet another pitched battle. Trundling on, through more corridors, (why is the phrase “you are in a maze of twisty tunnels all alike” spring to mind?) I encountered more Trandashans and blew them up. Then I found some droids and blew them up. Then I found an obstacle blocking my

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