Author: John

Another Code (DS)

Muhh – I’m in the house, accompanied by a wee ghostie friend. I had a lot of fun chucking steel globes at a switch to open the door. This is one of those suspension-of-belief style games, a little like resident evil, in which the drama is played out in a world where it’s perfectly normal

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Another Code: 2 Memories (Nintendo DS)

Phew, this is a breath of fresh air! Another Code is kinda like a point and click adventure of yesteryear, but with some nice touches due to the DS’s touch screen and microphone. The top screen shows a static view of where you are while the bottom shows a top-down 3D scrolling map (with nice

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There’s just too many! This is silly. There are 185 (that’s one hundred and eighty five) games on my shelves, for various platforms, and I’ve only completed a dozen or so. Doesn’t represent very good value for money really. I stuck em all into Delicious Library (and ace application – you can find it here.

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Psi-Ops (Xbox) / Sudeki (Xbox)

Well, last night I had a wee bit of a talc outburst cos I kept on getting gubbed and then, even though I passed through a room with a checkpoint I didn’t actually go to where the checkpoint was to trigger it so when I died I went right back to the start. Not a

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Change of plan

Right – we have to watch the pennies at the moment, so we’ve decided to buy no more games (although there will obviously be the odd exception – the new Zelda, and so on). So, to keep my gaming habit satisfied I’m gonna rent them instead – from here. The company is called Games Frenzy

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Psi-Ops (Xbox)

Ok, so after wandering around for AGES looking for a vent I can climb into, I’ve moved on to the next area. Very linear so far, but still a huge amount of fun. I am a little worried that the whole thing is going to take place in the once environment. This would be a

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Psi-Ops (Xbox)

I can just tell this is a game I’m going to finish and play again on a harder difficulty. It’s slightly reminiscent of RE4 inasmuch as the game mechanic is loads of fun. I have now add mind-drain to my arsenal, alongside telekinesis and far seeing. Mind drain is great – it effectively gives you

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New Category

The more absorbent among you will be able to hold much more fluid than the rest of us. The more observant among you will perhaps have noticed that a “Completed Games” (‘completed’ is a deliberate misspelling of ‘complet0r4t0red’) has materialised down the right hand side of the page. I’ve set this up as a secondary

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Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy (Xbox)

This is one of those titles which I almost missed. I had a huge amount of fun playing around with the various psychic powers in a demo that was cover mounted on one of the drivel filled Xbox mags but, for some reason, I never seemed to have money on me whenever I remember about

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Halo 2 (Xbox)

Hm. Well, there’s been a bit of talk on recently about starting a Halo 2 league for crap players. Faling squarely into the crap player camp, I reckoned it might be a good idea to at least finish the single player campaign first. So, I fired it up last night and loaded my last

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