Author: John

Metroid Zero Mission (Gameboy Advance)

Muhh! Big Green Froggy Dragonny Thing Pwn0r3d! One boss down and it’s yielded a speed boost upgrade. Which is nice. I have a cool 85 missile capacity but only two energy units and I still haven’t found a charge beam. So, before I do much else, it’s exploring I go to try and rake together

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Metroid Zero Mission (Gameboy Advance)

So, I have two minutes to get things ready before I’m herded off to hospital – what do I take with me? Gameboy Advance, of course – we all know how long hospital visits tend to take. “Aha!” though I, “the perfect opportunity to complete Metroid Fusion!” Oh no! Little Miss Dotty has deleted the

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Jurassic Park

We watched Jurassic Park (again) yesterday. It brought back a lot of memories. I think JP was the first film which made me realise that the cinema could do anything with modern technology. I have distinct memories of sitting in the theatre (the Odeon on Clerk Street in Edinburgh – a proper cinema, none of

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Humourless doctors.

Had a bad day on Friday. I’d been feeling a bit unwell on Thursday morning and on and off during the day. It got bad enough to prompt me to make a doctors appointment on Friday morning. So, in I toddled. The doctor was making a flap about blood clots, lungs and “why didn’t you

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Rebelstar: Tactical Command (Gameboy Advance)

Mission 12 is an evil git. Basically, I’ve to pick a squad of five (given that I only currently have five chars, it’s not tough), equip them and then defend the base from an invasion. First attempt I made resulted in a humiliating massacre. The enemies are all invading from the North and I made

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The Colour of Magic – Terry Pratchett

I just know this is going to irk the purists, but then what are purists for if not irking, eh? Finished this last night. Well, I actually finished it about twenty years ago, but I saw it on the shelf and thought – ‘ohhhh, I liked that as a lad, I’ll read it again’. What

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It’s Wednesday again….

“so what?” you ask. Nowt. I’m just saying. I’ve added a ‘Books’ category to the blog. Given that I spend more time every day reading than playing games (no, really!) and I finish more books than games (even the bad ones) I thought I may as well. I’m not going to attempt to populate it

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Rebelstar: Tactical Co-Manged (GBA)

VICTORY GET! Again! Droids recovered (largely – lost two of em and hence failed to get the top ranking, but never mind). So, I’ve been promoted to Lieutenant, and now get the full on equip and place squad menus at the start of each battle. So, chapter 12 a-go-go!

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Rebelstar: Tactical Command (Gameboy Advance)

Aaargh! That’s another lunchtime been completely devoured. Mission 11 (I think – I keep losing count) involves recovering some bots from an empty factory. Needless to say, it doesn’t stay empty for long. Anyway, I have a whole wheen of the little beggars all powered up and armed to the teeth. I only have one

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Rebelstar: Tactical Co-Manged (GBA)

Well, that was easier than expected – but I only got an advanced not an Elite 🙁 Mostly because I didn’t wipe out the whole enemy presence, but merely gubbed the woofy things and made good my escape. Anyhoo, chapter 10 complete and I’m off to the bot factory.

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