Author: John


Worst. Setup. Ever. Tonight consisted of: 1. Putting the hardware together, cabling up etc. 2. Wrestling with the networking for the best part of an hour to get it to connect. In the end – I took all the spaces out of the SSID, did a manual setup and used static IP addressing and Google’s

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State of the Gaming Nation (in my house)

So, I’ve not really been doing much gaming for the last year or two. Just fiddling with a few titles here and there. It’s a bit of a recurring ennui, really. I can pin-point pretty much where this lengthy slump came from. It pretty much coincides with the end of the Gamecube era and the

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Monster Hunter 3 ultimate (3DS)

So, a one-star mission. Hunt some beasties, get their guts. 50 minutes to do it. Dead easy, I thought. As it’s an easy one, I thought I’d hunt the aquatic beasties, on the basis that it would give me a bit of practice with the (perfectly adequate) controls. And it was all going fine until

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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (3DS)

It appears dem monsters need hunting once again. I was a bit suspicious of how this would play, particularly with regards the camera, but as it happens it controls beautifully and doesn’t require The Claw Of Death like the PSP version did. So, it’s Monster Hunter – you know how it works. There’s Monsters. And

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Christmas Pudding Ale seasonings

This is a message from the future! For once, it came out magnificently on the first attempt so I’ve stuck with this recipe ever since.  So I’ve devised a recipe for what I’m hoping will be a nice Christmas Pudding Ale. The Youngs one, if I remember correctly, is just a winter warmer mixed with

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Tags are annoying little things. The trouble is, I always forget to add them when I write a post. As a result, I have a couple of hundred posts that I need to trawl through and retrospectively add tags to. It’s not an interesting thing to do 🙂 You’ll also, no doubt, have noticed many

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Happy Birthday is officially an adult! The domain was originally registered on this day in 1997 – 16 years ago. How time flies when you’re talking utter pish. So – as a mini-celebration, I’m going to list my favourite film of each year has been alive. 1997 – Contact 1998 – Saving Private Ryan 1999

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I’m a lazy old goat

No, really, I am. Thing is, I moved house (again!) recently. Probably a kind of backwards move, as far as most people would think, because I’ve gone from a lovely old sprawling farmhouse on top of a hill to a tiny little end-terrace in the middle of Livingston. Fact is, I love the tiny little

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God(s) Eater Burst (PSP)

Okay, so there seems to be some confusion about the title of this game. Sometimes GOD eater, sometimes GODS. Who knows what it actually is. In game, the team you work with are known as GOD eaters so we’ll go with that one. Regardless, the premise is simple. You kill ridiculously large monsters with ridiculously

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Evil Viruses

Something has been afoot with recently. I think something nasty got into one of the wordpress scripts. I *think* it’s now fixed, but if anyone notices anything odd, please tweet me on @johnmdow. [EDIT] I found it. Peoples – make sure your .htaccess isn’t writeable by the web server user.

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