Final Fantasy (GBA)
Gah – defeat0red in the marsh cave. Trouble is that Ghouls and Ghasts have an annoying habit of paralizing my warriors. I think I may have to do a spot of levelling up before venturing in there.
The Temple of Bague Wasting bandwidth since 1997 - Now in our 27th wasteful year!
Game Diary / October 1, 2005 / John
Gah – defeat0red in the marsh cave. Trouble is that Ghouls and Ghasts have an annoying habit of paralizing my warriors. I think I may have to do a spot of levelling up before venturing in there.
Game Diary / September 30, 2005 / John
Good grief. Well, I’ve rescued a princess, got a ship, have some vague idea that I have to find some crystals from somewhere and that one of the is northish. So, I’m leveling up, slowly but surely. My party are all crap at the moment, but I daresay they’ll be uber before long.
Game Diary / September 30, 2005 / John / 0
Now this is what the current and next generation of handheld gaming should be all about. Forget trying to squeeze first person shooters, racers and whatnot onto platforms where they just don’t fit. This is Castlevania as it was meant to be – difficult, fast gameplay in a two dimensional environment, with the power of
Game Diary / September 30, 2005 / John / 0
This is my new daytime game. The reason I’m making a distinction between daytime and nighttime games is because the other title I’m playing is Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow on the DS and I only get access to the DS when I can prise it from Debbie’s clutching grip of doom. At least until she’s
Game Diary / September 29, 2005 / John / 0
Gnaargh! Another boss! Mecha Ridley is a dirty great thing that takes up half of the screen and has a vulnerable spot about zero pixels across which is only vulnerable to missiles and is two high to hit from a standing start. So, you have to hop in the air and hit it with a
Game Diary / September 29, 2005 / John
Well, after an annoying but mercifully short stealth section, I now have FULL POWAZ! And I spent the first fifteen minutes or so revisiting all the annoying bits that’s driven me nuts for the past forty five minutes and blown the bejeebers out of the Space Pirates there. So, it’s now back to the surface
Game Diary / September 28, 2005 / John
Did I mention I detest stealth games? And that I have a special loathing for stealth in a game which doesn’t really need it? People buying Metroid games are buying them because they expect a lot of running around blowing stuff up. They don’t expect to be buying a hiding simulator. Seethe.
Game Diary / September 28, 2005 / John
MOTHER BRAIN DEFEAT0RED! About two seconds after I sent a spleen venting email to DeKay, I gave it another go and turned that doggone brain into spongey morsels. Immediately following this is a rather tense dash up a vertical arrangment of collapsing platforms. This latter is done against the clock with much booming and shaking
Ramblings / September 28, 2005 / John
There’s been a stylesheet bloodbath! I’ll fix it guv! Honest!