Author: John

Kirby – Nightmare in Dreamland (GBA)

No Kirby game should ever be held up as evidence that the people who make games for Nintendo are normal. Because they’re not. Kirby is quite clearly the product of too many late nights indulging in illicit substances. Basically, you control an amorphous pink blob who, as well as scuttling around on the ground, can

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Final Fantasy (GBA)

End of Game Boss. It’s one of those bosses which has a stupid amount of health which it can completely regenerate whenever it feels like it. It’s one of those bosses whose defeat depends upon you having two very specific spells available. Which I don’t have. But I could go off and get them. But

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Final Fantasy (GBA)

Well, I’m on Level 3 of the Cloud Fortress at the moment. And I’ve just noticed that since getting a class upgrade, my Knight and Ninja can now cast. So, once I get this pesky Wind Crystal, I suspect I’ll have to go to the Chaos Shrine for high-noon. So, I’ll stock up on some

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Final Fantasy (GBA)

Class Upgrade GET! I now have a Ninj0r. So, one crystal still to go. Something to do with the Rosetta Stone, I expect, so I’d better get blethering to people. I also managed to give one of the bosses in the Hellfire Chasm a good gubbing. Took some time, though, and there’s still three left

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Final Fantasy, Zelda, Astro Boy, and Metal Slug (GBA)

I’ve been a busy bunny, but I’m going to jam it all into a single post. Final Fantasy. Water crystal GET! Rosetta Stone GET! Other stuff GET! I think I’m just about ready to go and gives that Cerberus a good talking to. I also need to find the Dragon King, but I dunno where

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Gameboy Micro

Incorporating some other stuff too. Ok, so I’ve given it a good workout and am now ready to formulate an opinion. Simply put, it’s the best gameboy available. It has a beautiful vibrant screen which isn’t afraid to show true blacks. It has well placed and comfortable buttons with a fair amount of play available.

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Final Fantasy (GBA)

I meant to play a bit of Astro Boy to give the Micro a work out but I had a quick look at Final Fantasy and ended up getting sucked in again. Wasn’t sure what to do next so just went for a wander. Rescued a fairy, got a Warp Cube from a robot (not

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Final Fantasy (GBA)

Hellfire Chasm – what a git! I became hopelessly lost and wandered about for ages before getting to the boss. And I’m not sure it was worth it, given what I won by defeating him. But never mind. Interestingly, after level 5 in the dungeon, there was a teleport back to the surface and a

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Final Fantasy (GBA)

Airship get! And it’s ACE 🙂 The screen does a shift into a kinda mode 7 SNES 3D mode and the wee ship scrolls about the place in a zippy manner. Should make navigating the map a bit quicker. Before getting the airship, though, a bit of levistone fetching was required from the ice cavern

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Final Fantasy (GBA)

FIRE CRYSTAL AWAKENATED! Mount Gulg was less imposing than expected, although the constant health drain of walking on lava had to be watched pretty closely. I’ve noticed a strange thing about the amount of experience handed out in the game, though. Defeating a couple of 300HP Minotaurs occasionally yields 2000xp, but defeating the dungeon boss

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