Author: John

Sneaky Police

According to El Reg: Users of encryption technology can no longer refuse to reveal keys to UK authorities after amendments to the powers of the state to intercept communications took effect on Monday (Oct 1). The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) has had a clause activated which allows a person to be compelled to

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Words of Truth

“One of them has a face like a bee-keeper’s apprentice, and the other one just looks shifty.” Grace Dent on Robson and Jerome

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A tip on the Ubuntu media box

Should probably mentioned at the time. While the web interface provided by Jinzora is lovely, it can occasionally be a hammer to crack a nut. Fortunately, the mpd back end can be controlled by a myriad of client applications with only one small tweak. Assuming your Ubuntu box is behind a firewall (and it should

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BBC NEWS | Education | Boring lessons linked to truancy

Oh my God! I never realised! It’s BORING lessons that kids skive off from, not INTERESTING ones! In the name of all that’s holy, how much money was squandered on this research project? More to the point, what are they going to be “revealing” next? “Bread and Cheese linked to Cheese Toasties”? “Driving Cars linked

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Ubuntu + mpd + Jinzora + Hi-Fi == ACE

Ok, so here’s the problem: I have a decrepit old PC that I need to find a job for or it’s destined to sit on a scrapheap biodegrading over the next 10,000 years. We don’t have room to have all our CDs anywhere near handy so have to listen to our music on the computer

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BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | ‘Virtually non-stick’ gum created

Outstanding! Chewing gum that doesn’t stick, researched at great expense by the world’s top scientists! Presumably, it’s stage one of a long running project to create fewer sticky substances that cause researchers heads to be stuck up their backsides, resulting in more time spent working on ways to avoid impending extinction by global warming! ps

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Off at a tangent

Ok, we’re having a slight shift around. That incorrigible reprobate, Sir Chewbury Gubbins, has been filling this here blog with so many postings that we’ve insisted he takes his tweed cap and wanders off to his own website. So, from this day forth, the Chewbury Gubbins game diary lives on its own silly little domain,

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