Author: John

Worms: Open Warfare 2 (DS)

First stage of Campaign mode complet0rised! The Pirates are defeated and Bague’s Avengers are victorious! Now I’m up to my eyes in bi-plane flying World War 1 Germans! With the stupendous amount of coins I earned, I’ve unlocked the dreaded Concrete Donkey and the wonderful new Buffalo of Lies! I’ve also discovered that by pressing

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Worms: Open Warfare 2 (DS)

Despite being somewhat disappointed with the horrifically buggy and, frankly, unfinished Open Warfare a year or two ago, the lure of mass invertebrate extermination on a handheld console was reaching fever pitch when I spotted that Open Warfare 2 was getting better reviews. Imagine my discomfort, then, when discovering that it was sitting for a

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Worms Armageddon (PC)

This game is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. And it’s still miles better than many other titles available for the PC. It’s just stupid, funny, ultra-violent and, well, daft. So I’ve created a team called Bague’s Avengers and am working my way up through the ranks in deathmatch mode, cos it’s just got to

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Move over GladOS

For all those wierdos out there who have the closing song from Portal stuck in their head, prepare to have it replaced.

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Meanwhile, on my other machine

So, you know how it is. You have a CD collection going back god knows how many years, you buy some tracks from amazon or itunes, you have the whole lot ripped on your PC to stick on your portable device. And then you realise you have over sixty gigabytes of music, most of which

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KMyMoney – Update

After a fairly lengthy compile (hey, it’s a KDE app) I had 99% of my concerns addressed as soon as the application booted. Right there, on the home page, is exactly the information I was looking for – not just my current balances, but what they’ll be in 5,10, 40, etc days. I quick rummage

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One of the few things that keeps a windows VM lying around for me is Microsoft Money. It’s one of the few applications that Microsoft have actually made a pretty good job of. My judgment of this, though, is pretty superficial. Money provides a nice pretty cash-flow graph that lets you see, at a glance,

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Dirty Bombs in Scotland

The Ministry of Defence have announced five days of depleted uranium (DU) weapons-testing on its Dundrennan range in Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Despite numerous scientific studies proving the health and environmental damage of DU missiles, as well as growing international criticism of the weapons, the MOD continues to stick its fingers in its ears and repeat its

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BT Poked in the Eye-O-Sauron

Well, according to El Reg, BT have been Baaaaaaad Monkeys and have finally owned up that they carried out secret tests of the Phorm system they’ve “not decided to use” well over a year ago. Without telling the people whose traffic they intercepted. Something tells me they’re going to get a little bit sued. Full

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Well, at least BT are straight up about it. They replied saying “we don’t know anything yet, but when we do we’ll let you know.” Which is better than my mate RedSmartie got. He mailed Virgin pretty much the standard letter I put in my previous posting and in reply recieved a bunch of waffle

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