Author: John

The Beginning of the End

So, it’s Monday morning on the week of The Grand Architecture Migration. Frankly, I’m shitting myself about it. We’ve covered everything as comprehensively as possible, but there’s always that little niggle of doubt. Thing is, we have a limited time window in which to operate – a matter of a couple of days. If the

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Chrissy Dances in the Sun

And the waves lap gently at the sand, pushing it up and pulling it back, undecided on whether they should stay or go but nevertheless forced into constant motion by the irresistible pull of the moon. Chrissy sits and waits on the shoreline for the dashing young man who must surely happen by soon. But

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The Book of Fail. Chapter 1.

The Book of Fail Being an account of the End of Days Chapter 1 1. And it came to pass that The Great Orange Stupid looked upon the face of The Company and was displeased. 2. He spoke unto the sky and unto the firmament and unto all living things saying “Where is there an

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The pigeon emitted a ghastly shriek as it spun out of the sky and strafed the pavement by my feet. I leapt nimbly to the side and kicked out with one foot, sending the hideous creature hurtling headlong into a nearby bush. “Aha! Take that!” I cried, dancing the happy dance and celebrating my triumphant

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Crepe Paper Suit

It was early in the evening when the leathery little chap in the crepe paper suit first approached me as I was walking through the park. He did not do so directly, but instead walked past on my right hand side, circled around behind me, and then sidled around to my left. He gave me

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My ears twitched in annoyance at the springing fool in front of me. Up and down he bounced, grinning inanely and clapping his hands over his head. Clearly, having massive coiled springs attached to his feet had driven off his sanity. “Woooooooooo” he cried. “Look at meeeeeeee!” “Yes.” I said. “You’re bouncing. Well done.” He

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Fish Spoon Phone

Kio said Fish. John D said Spoon. Alex was on the phone. Hence, the following. The ground shook as the great, flapping, pufferfish bounced down the street towards me. It was one of the weird deep-sea varieties – all teeth and spikes – and didn’t appear to be particularly pleased to be bouncing down a

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Elephant-faced man.

I hit the ground with a thump, danced around a little, and then grinned cheerfully at nothing in particular. The elephant-faced man hit the ground a few feet behind me, but at a considerably higher velocity (due to the additional mass he carried in the center of his face). “Oho!” I cried, dancing around my

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Been a bit quiet lately. With good reason too – if you check the “I love it when this happens” post below, you’ll see that I’m working on a book. Well, I’m now about 23,000 words into the first draft and that’s only made possible by not spending loads of time writing on here. So

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The Hunt for Red October – Tom Clancy

Okay, so I work in I.T. As a result of this, I know more than my fair share of acronyms – both three-letter and otherwise. This notwithstanding, I found this book bewildering in the extreme. Not because it reads like stereo instructions (it does) and not because of the acronyms (after all, they are spelled

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