Author: John

Oh for heaven’s sake, just get on with it!

We’re nearly there! We’ve been in a shopping frenzy for the past few days, getting together all the emergency stuff that we need to have to move back in; washing machine, drier, beds, tables, sofas, that kind of thing. Trouble is, we’re hoping to be back into our house in two weeks time but the

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Gaaaaaah shopping

Well, we went off to Comet on Friday, clutching a big wad of vouchers supplied by the insurance company (otherwise we’d have gone somewhere decent). Anyhoo, much wandering about, cogitating, and deliberating later, we order a pile of white goods – fridge, freezer, dishwasher, etc. They’re being delivered on the 4th of November, so things

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Yesterday was Dotty’s birthday

(Or Doday, in Dotty speak). She was very pleased with a little Snow White dolly, and even more pleased with her great big cake. As birthdays go, it was pretty bare bones due to the severe lack of folding monetary units available, but once we get some insurance money through we’ll find some “fogotten presents”.

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Today, I have been mostly…

playing Halo on Legendary difficulty (XBox version, of course – not the slideshow that masquerades as the PC version). God, it’s tough! Three hours in and I’m still not off the first level. On normal difficulty, you get through level one by, er, running and shooting. On Legendary, you have tactical firefights at every single

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Oh, for heaven’s sake!

Image to be replaced. Oops! I think we probably work the girlies in this family a little too hard. This is Debbie and Harmony doing their best Tom Baker impressions at 3 O’clock in the afternoon.

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Let’s move on

Things are progressing quickly with the house now. We are both feeling somewhat unsettled. Dont want to spend time in the house thats not home. Yesterday saw the kids having fun in the back garden here in the golden autumn sunshine, John cooking apple pies with the wee ones and flour footprints and me repotting

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Ikea make nice furniture indeed. They make cheap tat that falls apart if you give it so much as a hard stare. That and there’s the tortuous process of actually buying it – you hike around a weavy path looking at randomly displayed stuff and write down all the warehouse information, then you go to

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ikea or not ikea

LOL. Ikea make some lovely furniture. We are going to have to go shopping for basics when things move on a bit. John and I had thought about the possibility of camping beds and bean bags if need be. Im just shattered – I just want to get home. I think we all do. –

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God in Heaven! Keep that thing AWAY from me!

Aaaargh! We’re now at the point where the loss adjuster is starting to think about sending out cheques for parts of our house contents. While this may sound like a good thing, Debbie is beginning to gaze hungrily at the Ikea catalogue :-/ On a cheerier note, I have an idea for a book that

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Dear God in Heaven! We chose what we thought were two delicate shades of lilac for our bedroom. As the painters were in we thought we’d pop along and see how it looked. It’s P U R P L E. I don’t mean strong purple, or surprising purple. I don’t mean the kind of purple

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