Author: John

It’s orrible!

Well, constant nelefans will remember that, previously on, we were all up to our eyes in lurgi. Well, we still are, and it grows increasingly unpleasant with every passing day. However, we’re not going to dwell on the lurgi, are we? Course not – we’re far too civilised for that kind of carry on.

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Go, Oz-man!

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Music | Police praise ‘courageous’ Ozzy: Rock star Ozzy Osbourne has been praised by police for “very courageously” tackling a burglar who stole jewellery from his house. Hah! That’ll teach the thieving chavs for robbing the Prince of Darkness 🙂 Must have put the fear of God into the bloke

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Another day, another lurgi

Poor wee Tristan has it now. Fortunately, it had the good grace to wait for his birthday to pass before descending on him from a great height. So, they’re all off school again. It’ll be nice once we move – being right across from the school will make things a good deal more convenient than

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Wohlendet, das ewigen werk!

Well, I’ve finally managed to find the time to add what pictures I can scrounge together to the old journal entries. Quite a traumatic thing to do, really – particularly for the August and September 2003 entries. I haven’t looked at those photos in quite a long time. Anyhoo, today was Tristan’s birthday. He was

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Torus Trooper

Now this is the coolest thing ever 🙂 It’s kinda like a precursor to Jeff Minter’s forthcoming Unity, in a way. It’s a zippy zappy zoomy type thing and more than worthy of a look. What’s more, it doesn’t cost anything. Torus Trooper:

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Alright, alright, I’ll give you an update!

I’ve started cutting the images now. Basically, Chris Wild has supplied the original graphics which he ripped as part of his disassembly of the game and I’m busily chopping and converting them. Basically, I’m scaling them by two so I can work in 640×480 without bugging some poor soul to do the graphics until I’m

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The worthy Simon Brattel (for it is he) late of Design Design and more recently of, erm, Design Design, has a shiny new web log in which he proves, repeatedly, that his life is at least and order of magnitude more bizarre than my own. It’s humbling to be in the electronic presence of someone

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Gah – the boak returns

Matthew and Debbie have a stinking lurgi of some description at the moment. Not happy bunnies. Lots of sore throats and raging fevers and stuff. Yuk.

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Old postings

Well, as many ujournal entries as could be recovered are now in situ. There appears to have been a slight hiccup in the recovery process caused by me inadvertently removing older entries while the import for still in progress. As a result, a couple of entries from Feb/March 2003 have gone awol. As I recall,

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Import madness

Well, the import seems to have finished. A couple of articles have been scarfed – the dates seem to be wrong – but they’re mostly intact. I’ve already added the entries from 2004 to this blog and I’ll be adding the rest tonight. Not really looking forward to it – 2003 was incredibly crap.

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