The Summer Holidays
The Summer holidays have been fun so far – school term starts in just over three weeks. Matthew starts school so its been kind of hectic getting all the clothes and things organised for two. Scary to think of him going to school already but hey, I know that he ll enjoy every minute of it – Hes a sociable little boy.
Its Debbie typing here as you may have guessed.
Just thought I would give you all a little update of what things are like at home. Must make a point of writing more often. 😉
In a weeks time we are going to have our trees chopped down and a fence put up so that we can enjoy the garden.
Ive been trying desperately to keep up with the house and find time for my art and stuff but time is so full just now – I guess Ill get that time back when I have my three mornings free. I am just enjoying having the kids here and reading books at bedtime. 😉