Christmas Pudding Ale seasonings
This is a message from the future! For once, it came out magnificently on the first attempt so I’ve stuck with this recipe ever since.
So I’ve devised a recipe for what I’m hoping will be a nice Christmas Pudding Ale. The Youngs one, if I remember correctly, is just a winter warmer mixed with a stout and with a dash of coconut added. The one I’m planning is significantly more spiced.
The actual brew will be a fairly standard winter warmer – 5.22kg Pale Malt, 0.45kg Crystal Malt and 0.25kg Chocolate Malt, bittered with Kent Goldings. The trick, though, will be in the infusion I’ve concocted to be added into the last 15 minutes of the boil.
Basically, on the stove top I boiled up:
- The juice and rind of three oranges
- 2.5 tsp ground nutmeg
- 6 crushed cardomom pods
- 1.5 tsp ground cloves
- 1 tsp mixed spice (pudding spice)
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- About an inch of liquorice root
- 400g of clear honey
- 200ml water
I let these boil for a good fifteen minutes or so and then sealed up in a tub and left to infuse for about a week. I’ve no idea if this is going to work out or not, but I’ll be sure to update if it does.
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