What I Need

is a shed. See, through a bizarre series of events, which I’m probably not going to go into here because it’s all a little improbable, I have a bench lathe. This is a Good Thing(tm) because I’ve wanted a lathe for a long time – since high school, pretty much. The trouble is, I have nowhere to put the thing that would be semi-permanent.

A lathe, as you’ll be aware, is a bloody messy, noisy and smelly bit of hardware, and the one in question is also rather heavy. As I have relatively limited spare time, I can’t really take it out into the back garden when I need to use it and then put it all away again. It also really needs to be fixed to a bench or the centrifugal forces involved in turning large chunks of wood at high rpms is likely to make it shift around a bit. Ergo, I need a shed.

Thing is, while we don’t plan moving from our current house, it would be nice to have something which was moveable just in case, but sadly moveable sheds seem not to exist. Anyway, in accepting that a shed is needed[0], I have taken my first step on the path of the Sheddi.

[0] While my daughter may well tell me “you don’t NEED a shed, you WANT one. WANT is not the same as NEED”, I have to pull rank/age on this one and say that where sheds are concerned, WANT is exactly the same as NEED.

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