A busy month

Broxburn & Livingston Public BandWe need a weekend! Long-time nelefans may (or may not) know that we (that is, all five of us) play in our local Brass Band’s training band – me on Baritone, Mrs Gubbins on Tenor Horn, Son #1 on Trombone and both Son #2 and Daughter #1 on Cornet. Anyhoo, with the summer being upon us, it’s been time to dust off the black-and-whites for the gala day processions – three of them in the last three weeks.

Thing is, playing music is kinda hard and playing a weighty brass instrument is even harder. Doing that while marching, in bright sunlight, without falling over or passing out, is really really hard. So – we’ve done Mid Calder gala day, Uphall Gala day and Broxburn gala day, followed by a concert, so it’s safe to say we’re completely puggled. In fact, it’s quite nice to be back to work today for a rest – I have a little routine of going out to the car at lunchtime to practice and it was really nice to just play some music that wasn’t a march or a concert piece 🙂

The concert was, of course, ACE, because it’s always fantastic to hear the Senior Band in full flow.

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