Resident Evil 4: Complet0riz0red!!11!!one!!!china!!
What an ending! The final boss is….. disturbing, but not nearly as disturbing as the closing titles are. Anyhoo, I appear to have unlocked two subgames, playing through bits of the game as characters who wander in and out of the story from time to time as well as some new buyable goodies (infinite rocket launcher! yum!) and professional mode. Those were the ones on the 2nd disk menu – haven’t looked at the first.
All these fine things notwithstanding, I was fully intending starting again anyway – partly to do all the stuff I missed out on in the first half of the game due to running around being scared and partly because it’s just great. I also have a score to beat. 19 hours, 921 kills (respectable for a resident evil game) and (shudder) 74 deaths. Not great 🙂
So – on first play through – game of the year, hands down, no doubts whatsoever.