We’re moving on Monday
Our insurance company has organised a semi-permanent place to stay while the house is being repaired. It’s an old victorian house in Dalkeith and, as surrogate homes go, it’s very beautiful. In true victorian style, it’s a rabbit warren inside, with lots of high-ceilinged rooms connected by little passages. It’s not home, but it’ll make it easier being away from home. The little summer house at the back looks like a good place to write.
The insurance company really seem to be pulling all the stops out. We’ve had fire investigators swarming around the place, and the builders are moving in next week. It looks as though the entire inside of the house will be rebuilt from the ground up. Despite staying in Roslin this week (right next to Roslin Chapel, no less – wonder if we should pop in to say hi to the Holy Grail?) we’ve managed to get Tristan and Matthew back to school, and Harmony back to playgroup. They seem a little more relaxed with things.
Today, Debbie and I are going bakc to the house to have a rummage in the debris for any personal stuff (photos, letters, that kind of thing) before the workmen descend on the place. Not really looking foorward to it, but I guess it needs to be done.