12 Angry Men
I find it incredible that the Hollywood that produced masterpieces like this in the fifties is now serving up slices of badly written sequel served on a buttered shite. 12 jurors in a room, 11 guilty votes, 1 not guilty vote, and a death sentence. Either eleven men have to convince one man to take a young lad’s life, or one man has to convince eleven men that they’re wrong.
Pretty simple premise, really, but it results in 90-odd minutes of utterley compelling cinema. Every cast member puts in a riveting performance. This is up there with Inherit the Wind.
Henry Fonda, representing the dissenting “Not Guilty” vote, reminds us all what any democratic justice system is all about. The onus is not on the defence to prove that a person is innocent, it’s up to the prosecution to prove his guilt. All Mr Fonda does is point out those areas where he believes there is a reasonable doubt. The journey of each jury member from guilt to innocence shows a revealing sketch of their character and prejudices.
HMV currently sell this movie for three quid. You owe it to yourself.
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