I know this SHOULDN’T be awesome, but IT ACTUALLY IS.
When the BBC post an article entitled something like “Pirates Threaten Christmas Shopping”, it gets an automatic eyeroll for me, half expecting it to be a rant comparing unauthorised copying of music/moves/whatever to pillage and murder on the high seas. Clearly, the irony is lost on them, given the big labels have been stiffing us consumers at every opportunity for the last $n years. 15 quid for a CD? I don’t think so. Anyway – I’ve gone off on a ranty tangent. What I ACTUALLY mean to say is – it’s not a rant about copyright infringement.
October 23, 2008 at 9:10 pm
Somali pirates FTW! I’m imagining them as a whole boat load of Jack Sparrow lookalikes armed with stolen Russian tanks.