The pain! The pain!

So anyway, long-term nelefans will know that I’ve attempted to stop smoking many times. Well, it’s time to do it again, but this time with the help of my trusty ipod, a Nike+ running thingy, some science and some stats! See I’m a sucker for stats – nothing motivates me more than shaving a few seconds off my best time or adding another 1000 points to a high score. Oh, and I like graphs too.

Well, the Nike+ thingy sits in your shoe and a little wireless thing connects to your ipod. You go for a run and it records all kinds of cool stats about your pace, distance, calories burned, etc etc and there’s even a motivational voice that shouts abuse at you and tells you how near the end / near death you are.

Anyhoo, I thought I’d go for a run before stopping smoking, just so I have a baseline to work with. I didn’t expect to do great cos I can barely climb a flight of stairs without coughing and wheezing. One kilometer, I thought to myself, how hard can that be? I walk a fair bit, and 1K is nothing.

Oh yes it is something. Interestingly, my lungs and chest gave out long before my legs did, but I really struggled to do the last ten meters. But do it I did, and if you click the image at the start of this story, you can see the pace I went at.

Anyway, I’m now wheezing, spluttering, coughing and whining. A lot. After 1 measly kilometer. Let’s see if I improve after giving up smoking.

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