Bathgate Highland Games

I’ve never been to Highland Games before (although I’ve seen them on the telly) and being in the town five miles down the road it was rude not to go. And it was completely awesome. We all basically just sat about on the grass for a couple of hours watching the larger and hairier variants of our countrymen lobbing random objects about the field. We also watched a bit of the pipe band competition – in particular, some of the junior bands were really good – playing some intricate music with multipart harmonies rather than the usual stuff you hear on Princes Street.

Surprisingly, it was also a pretty hot day weather-wise – to the extent that I managed to get myself burned. You would think, having lived in Australia, that I’d be savvy enough to plaster sun cream on, but apparently not. Anyway, brief respite from the sun was to be found in the liberally equipped beer tent!

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