The best sales call ever.

I’ve just taken a cold call at work. It went:

“Good afternoon, is it you that looks after the ‘phone systems in your organisation?”

“Yes,” I say, “that would be me.”

“Ah excellent. My name is XXXXXX and I’m calling from Primus. Do you know anything about voice over IP?”

“Yes. Yes, I do,” quoth I.

“Fantastic! We’re just in the process of rolling out a great new product and were wondering if you would be interested in atten GGZZZZZZZSSSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSSCRACKLECRACKLCRACKL <boo-bee-boop The other person has cleared> clunk”.

I have to say, I’m seriously on the hook. Any telephone company which can provide a service which blares high frequency static down the line at customers and then cuts them off definitely wins my money!

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