Day 0

Why is it that stopping smoking is so difficult? I man, really – let’s have a think about it.

It tastes horrible.

It’s expensive.

It makes you cough.

It halves your life expectancy.

It gives lots of revenue to the gubbermint.

So really, it does nothing for you! So what is there to give up? Logically, the answer to that is “nothing”, so why am I grumpy, nervous and stressed when I’m just planning to stop?

So – in order to pick my way through this minefield of extreme silliness, and in an attempt to save my own life rather than the life of some pixelated jumping video-game bunny (for a change), I intend documenting the final days of being a smoker on this very blog. Hopefully, during this process, I’ll be able to provide some kind of answers to the wierdness above.

My approach is pretty simple. Rather than replacing a nicotine habit with, well, another nicotine habit, I’m going to forgoe the six-week torture that is patches. I’m also not going to use the gum, hypnotherepy, aversion therepy, drugs, sweetie-substitution (well, maybe some jelly beans), black magic, voodoo or anything else. I’m going to stop smoking using the power of Not Buying Any Cigarettes.

A radical plan, but one which Just Might Work(tm).

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