Year: 2008

Final Fantasy XII

And here’s birthday post part two. This has been out for aaaaaages but I’ve put it off and put it off, as I tend to do. Anyway, popped it in the drive and (as is usual for a squeenix title) my jaw dropped at the cinematics. Again, only an hour or so in, but loving

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Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Well, it’s a very Final Fantasy birthday, I have to say. My lovely lady wife presented me with a copy of Tactics A2 and FF12, so I’ve been in a JRPG/Tactics frenzy. First up – tactics. It’s tactics – nothing else needs to be said, really, but I will anyway. It’s a lot prettier, naturally,

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Oh yes! I am off on my hols until a week on Monday! Splendid! Not going anywhere specific, but I want to at least get to Blair Drummond Safari Park in Stirling (cos Stirling is ACE and the safari park has munkys), as well as some day trips out and about. Linlithgow, natch. Also Beecraigs

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New Shinies

So I got a new phone, courtesy of my employer. They want to be able to contact me at all hours of the day and night and I need to be able to spring into action like a bagful of kangaroos and fix whatever it is they’ve broken in my absence.  So, requirements are: pda

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New Photies

By popular demand (well, at the request of my pal Georgios), I’ve added some more dynamic and exciting pictures from our recent gala outings to the Gallery page. I can’t vouch for the quality of the images as they were taken by someone outwith the immediate Gubbins circle, but I think they’re shiny enough to

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And another thing….

I really enjoyed my lunchtime practice today. Except it wasn’t really a practice, because instead of learning stuff or rehearsing marches or concert pieces, I was just playing some music that I felt like. So, I played “For those in peril on the sea” a couple of times, followed by a bit of “Home on

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What I Need

is a shed. See, through a bizarre series of events, which I’m probably not going to go into here because it’s all a little improbable, I have a bench lathe. This is a Good Thing(tm) because I’ve wanted a lathe for a long time – since high school, pretty much. The trouble is, I have

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A busy month

We need a weekend! Long-time nelefans may (or may not) know that we (that is, all five of us) play in our local Brass Band’s training band – me on Baritone, Mrs Gubbins on Tenor Horn, Son #1 on Trombone and both Son #2 and Daughter #1 on Cornet. Anyhoo, with the summer being upon

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What a beautiful day!

Had a nice lunch break today – went and sat at the harbour and read my book for an hour. Being without a car has had one positive side-effect – it’s got me carrying my book around with me instead of having it sit beside my bed. Anyhoo – it was high tide at lunchtime

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