Year: 2008

The Horse Whisperer (1998)

M’okay, overbearing workaholic mum takes extremely traumatised daughter and her equally traumatised horse to see Robert Redford. Redford is, apparently, a horse whisperer and is able to settle and calm the most disturbed of beasts. Presumably, it’s the horse he’s to look after, and not the daughter. Anyway, horse is healed, daughter is healed, workaholic

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Something a little more modern.

Today we decided to get bang up to date (for us) and went to see something which was in use only a few hundred years ago. This was actually the first time I’ve been inside Linlithgow Palace and I was kind of amazed at the sheer size of the place. To the extent that I

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Welcome to the 51st Century

Just back from a short trip to Cairnpapple. It’s a neolithic burial ground tucked away in the hills around Bathgate. Originally, it was a celtic place of worship (a woodhenge – a broad open expanse with a circle of wooden posts surrounded by a ditch and a mound, open to the sky) some five thousand

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Sync Sunk and Bees

So, as it happens, The Missing Sync isn’t as good as it purports to be. The functionality is great – it does a lot of fab stuff – it just, well, crashes. A lot. Like ALL THE TIME. Not only that, but it makes my shiny mac unstable and that’s something I Will Not Have

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4th Ed. D & D Wierdness

Been listening to a (n awesome) podcast for the past few mornings. It’s an ongoing series as part of the Wizards of the Coast D & D podcast that’s a live session of the guys from Penny Arcade playing 4th Edition D & D. Some of them, believe it or not, are even playing it

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Controlled Falling

“Go on,” she laughed, her eyes wide and sparkling, “show me again!” I gave a pretend sigh of long-suffering and dug the ten pence piece from my pocket again. It danced over the back of my hand, flickering in between my fingers like a ghost, before flipping up in the air, catching the light streaming

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The BBC think we’re stupid.

A quote from today’s BBC News. “Gordon Brown has suggested people be less wasteful to help combat the rising cost of food caused by more and more crops being used for biofuel.” Oh really. Are you sure you don’t mean “Gordon Brown has suggested people be less wasteful to help combat the rising cost of

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Our cats are mental

They really are. It’s not normal for cats to sit like that. Anyway, this is Mewsly, one of two (the other is called Cornflakes) moggies who let us live with them.  Mewsly, as you can see, is just not normal. Our cats are mental Originally uploaded by John Dow

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Final Fantasy XII

Well, the gambit system is growing on me now – it’s still essentially turn based, but feels a lot more fluid. Anyway, I think I’m going to have to break a long tradition and actually read the manual – the gambit system and the license system seem to be fairly complex – it’s an odd

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