Year: 2008

Back at work

Joy. After a fantasticly exciting week of sitting in the house watching the rain, it’s back to the joys of shouting at servers and coercing programmers into not breaking them (which is, in itself, a skill not unlike herding cats). It was a little surprising to wander into the office and discover that nothing was

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Apropos of nothing……

I filled my ipod with random stuff today cos we were going out for a drive. At some point in the journey, “Wuthering Heights” by Kate Bush came on. It’s a song I like, but haven’t heard for years. It always just sounded like a cheery jingly pop song with a particularly nice vocal. Today,

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Eschalon Book I (Mac, PC, Linux)

Well, this one was a bit of a surprise! Eschalon is a turn based RPG in the style of Wizardry, Ultima, and so on. It’s an orthogonal / iso projected world, with loads of stats, loads of quests and pretty old-school graphics. And it’s shareware – can be had for $19 these days.  Anyhoo, I’ve

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Pirates of the Caribbean (all three of em)

We’ve had a bit of a pirates of the caribbean weekend. All in, three cracking movies but dear god what’s with the utterly depressing ending? It’s a Disney movie for heaven’s sake! We expect HAPPY SHINY endings in our Disney movies, thankyouverymuch.

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Alone in the Dark (360)

I wonder what was going through the developers’ heads when they were designing this game. After playing last night, I sat musing for a while, and I reckon the developer meetings must have sounded something like this: “Hey, I have an idea! Let’s liberally spread instant death situations all over the place so that the

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Stardust (2007)

Mrs Gubbins and the children saw this a while back and had a good old rave about it, but I only saw it for the first time last night. And, well, it’s fantastic! It’s basically a fairytale, but for modern times (yes, that old cliche), in that it has a sense of humour, a wide

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Little Boxes

I was speaking to Mr Daniels today and waxing lyrical, as is my wont, about the lovely messaging system in objective C. He commented that something I said was a really nice metaphor so I thought I’d post it here. Objective C, as you might know, uses square braces (these []) as part of its

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Announcing PressGang

Look up there! At the top! Where the page links are! See that one with ‘PressGang’? Well, that’s a new page that is. I’m currently adding Cocoa/Objective-C to my ever-lengthening list of programming languages and, as it usual for me, I’m writing something useful while learning it. It seems to make it all easier. PressGang

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The Alamo (1960)

About as historically accurate as Lord of the Rings, but who cares! Rather than going for the continuous melancholic inevitability approach of the 2004 remake, this John Wayne outing goes all guns blazing for the ‘heroic last stand’ approach. Yeah, ok, so everyone dies, but there’s the usual rousing speeches and soapboxing that hollywood movies

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Jason and the Argonauts (1963)

You really can’t beat a good 50s/60s “Swords and Sandals” epic, can you? Everything’s brightly coloured, the enemies are evil beyond belief, the heroes are manly beardy and the girlies swoon and flutter like swoony-fluttery things! And then there’s the awesome Harryhausen creations – in Jason we have a giant bronze statue, harpies, a hydra,

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