Year: 2008

The Grand Romp (part 3)

Ok, so the more observant nelefans amongst you may have noticed the Nike+ challenge widget that sat over there —–> Well, after the EPIC FAIL which resulted in none of us actually doing anything towards the challenge, we decided to start a new one – 100km by the end of September. Sounds doable, I think.

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Cron Wierdness

Ok, so we have a Linux box sitting at our colo doing, amongst other things, some ASP stuff. Thing is, this server is a little broken. Someone, at some point in time prior to me working here, decided in their infinite knowledge and wisdom to ‘transfer’ one machine to another by rsyncing random bits of

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A matter of priorities

Bizarrely, I read in the news today that a British woman has just been fined £16,000 for putting a video game on a filesharing network. Fair enough I suppose. The trouble is, I also read last week that a British woman received £10,000 compensation for being subjected to a particularly brutal rape. Is the British

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Oh! Another thing!

My beloved Mrs Gubbins has her very own website here. On it you’ll find wee mini images of the awesome GIANT CANVASSES she paints.

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An oddity

Why is it that, when I actually feel like writing a blog post, I have absolutely nothing to say? I’m a complete blank. I think it’s induced by either too much coffee or not enough $sparkling_beverage. Still, at least I managed to get three sentences out.

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Quote of the Week

 While crawling about the back of a server rack connecting serial ports to a serial console server, I was asked what I was doing. “Connecting these machines to the serial console so I can identify and label them.” “It would be quicker to set up a running ping and then yank the cables out and

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Nelefa Has Moved. Again.

OK, with the every increasing number of domains that live under the umbrella, I thought it was about time I organised a dedicated VM so they’re all in one please rather than scattered all over the internet. After looking around at many different hosting companies, I’ve gone (after a personal recommendation from The Daniels)

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The Human Race is Doomed

Tonight, my children have effectively demonstrated that the human race are lucky to exist at all. After a two hour session of Og: Unearthed they managed to shake off an over-friendly brachiosaurus by grunting loudly, run away from an elephant they thought was a tyrannosaur, richochet wildly about a thicket of springy bamboo while almost

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The annoying birthday meme

I don’t know what this is supposed to be about, but it’s on Dogwood Tales, Red’s Ramblings, and deKay’s Blog so I’d be a freakish outcast if I didn’t slavishly follow along with it. Look up your birthday in Wikipedia. Pick 4 events, 3 births, 2 deaths, and 1 holiday. July 4th Events 1054 – A supernova is

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“Can I have a 9 pin hardware gender changer please?” “Eh, what?” “Can I have a 9 pin hardware gender changer please?” “Yeah, sorry, I heard what you said, I meant what as in ‘why’, not what as in ‘what'” “I want to attach a second monitor to my video card.” “And you need a

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