Year: 2008

Tuba Smartie Pt. II

Slurring. That’s what I need to do. Low G/A -> F is flawless. G -> B Fine. High(er) C->F fine. Low G/A -> High(er) F not as smooth as it could be – mostly because of the changes in embouchure at C, G and C. So back to C->G->C->G->C slurring. Over and over again. Until

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Tuba Smarties

Well, I’ve got a shot of a Bb Bass from the band. It’s certainly different from the baritone – needs a lot more air through it for a start. It’s not just the air though – my embouchure technique, while fine for my baritone, needs to be completely changed. The mouthpiece on the Bass is

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All’s well that ends well.

Today was an odd day. Everything went remarkably smoothly in the morning and then Epic Fail began to flow across the interweb at me from the East. Fortunately, a few swift verbal corrections to counter the ridiculous groundless assertions (No! Black is NOT white!) countered the incoming bogon flux and from there the day improved.

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It’s raining – reprise

Well, when I got up this morning, the rain had stopped and the sun was out. But it’s raining again! Bucketing down! With gusto. I mean, it’s really really trying hard.

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Mighty-Mouse Scrollwheel – Dead then NOT!

Ok, so the mighty mouse is a thing of beauty. It’s an accurate, comfortable and pretty mouse. Except it has a tiny little pea-sized rollerball embedded in the top for scrolling in 360 degrees. The trouble is, gunge, oose and muck get in there and, if it blocks the sensors, stops the scrollball from working.

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It’s raining!

It’s bucketing down here. Nothing new, you’re probably crying, because – after all – it’s rained a LOT this summer. No, really, A LOT. No, this is different rain. This is good honest-to-god hurtling towards earth making a colossal racket and hitting the ground hard enough to bounce three inches back into the air. It’s

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It’s a funny old life….

….you think you know how the land lies and then something comes along that pulls the rug out from under you. Is it just me, or are we being surreptitiously taxed to death?

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I thought I’d post a picture of a couple of things I’ve finished painting recently, just because. First of, this here is a goblin wolf chariot – a nasty little beggar that scoots across the battlefield and causes a fair pile of impact damage whenever it hits anything. It’s best used to even the odds

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Eternal Sonata (360)

Frederic Chopin lies on his deathbed dreaming his final dream. And for some peculiar reason, he’s dreaming about cutesy Anime characters fighting monsters and trying to save the world from the taxman! If this is an indication of where RPGs are going, then I’m a very happy bunny. The storytelling is beautiful, as is the

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