Year: 2008

It’s Wednesday, and we all know what that means.

Yup, for want of anything better to say, its time for some introspective navel-gazing. And today it’s about music – specifically the weird things that happen to your taste in music as you get older. See, my taste in music has always been a bit odd, with Richard Wagner happily sharing shelf space with Metallica or Turisas

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ACE Lyric #3

“Yobadobba yobadobba yobadobba yobadobba yobadobba yobadobba yom POM POM! Yobadobba yobadobba yobadobba yobadobba yobadobba yobadobba yom POM POM! Ahhhh Ahhhhh AHHHH AHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH AAAHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Focus – “Hocus Pocus”

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ACE Lyric #2

“As the sun beats down and I lie on the bench, I can always hear them talk. Me? I’m just a lawnmower. You can tell me by the way I walk.” Genesis – “I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)”

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Ace Lyric #1

Well, there’s a turnip for the books. Last couple of days, I’ve twittered a random lyric that I’d either been listening to or just popped into my head. Imagine my surprise when I started getting TONS of feedback from people who either liked the lyric and wanted to know the song, hated it, or anything

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This is either the most loltastic lolcat EVER or the most terrifying thing since The Grudge.

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I don’t often repeat internet memes in a public place, but I felt I had to make an exception for this one. more animals

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Ok, so I have a couple of Solaris LDOMs running on a big über-core SPARC T5240. I also have a pile of old E220s, Netras and 450s running an Oracle based webapp that I’m migrating to LDOMs as a proof of concept. Except they’re on separate networks and the gateway is a little linux box.

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Podcast Overload

So, I’ve had a backlog of podcasts to listen to for a while now, on a wide range of different subjects. Well, thanks to roadworks on the way to work, I’ve finally caught up with them all. So, I thought, I’m going to have a wee look in the iTunes podcast directory and see if

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Tuba Toothpaste (will the bad jokes never end?)

Well, that’s an odd thing! Getting a bit better now – the repeated scales and slurring exercises have enabled me to at least wrest a tune from its brassy bowels. Or something. But the odd thing is, since exercising in earnest, I can actually get a reasonable sound of a Mrs Gubbins tenor horn and

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Breaking News

According to the BBC, swimming about in green stuff has the effective of – well – staining you green. And for those doubting thomases amongst us who may be sceptical of this, they’ve even provided a video of a polar bear. With green on it. I’m glad my license fee is going towards this kind

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