Year: 2008

Day 3 : A near lapse

Almost got caught out by the brain monster this morning while standing waiting to pay for some sugar puffs. The “excuse” was – “Hey, I don’t want to be grumpy with the kids all weekend, why don’t I buy ten cigarettes to cover the weekend then I can get back to not-smoking on Monday?” Except,

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Day 2

9:34am Ended up going to bed early last night, feeling a bit rough and irritable. Much better today, though. The restlessness is quite annoying – before, if I was waiting for a job to finish or waiting for a kettle to boil or something, I’d go out and smoke. Now I just hover and fidget

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Day 1

9:44 am Or thereabouts. So, I’ve been up and smober for a couple of hours now and nothing seems to have dropped off yet. Last cigarette was at about 10pm last night so that’s nearly 12 hours (although counting sleeping hours is probably cheating). Doing alright though – I have the kind of empty, hungry

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Day 0

Why is it that stopping smoking is so difficult? I man, really – let’s have a think about it. It tastes horrible. It’s expensive. It makes you cough. It halves your life expectancy. It gives lots of revenue to the gubbermint. So really, it does nothing for you! So what is there to give up?

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Final Fantasy III (DS)

It begins…… again. I made the mistake of starting this back in February / March last year when, avid nelefans will remember, I was in the throes of many Castlevania games and Magical Starsign. And then Puzzle Quest came along. Anyhoo, I reckoned it was time to get back to it. Except, of course, I

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Welcome To……..

Silent Hill. OK, so I got up this morning and ambled about the house as is my wont. After the last few days of sunshine and barbeques I was a bit surprised to see….nothing. The whole place is wreathed in thick, roiling fog – thickest I’ve seen in ages. Visibility in our street is only

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First Barbie of 2008

It had to be done, you know. The sun was out, the temperature was above zero, and I had some burgers in need of cooking. OK, so it wasn’t a full on steaks, onions and marinades job, but that doesn’t matter – it’s officially light at teatime and the barbeque season is therefore upon us.

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Shiny Blue Newness

Well this is pretty! It’s like having a haircut and a shave and a new t-shirt, all at the same time! I felt it was time for a change because, pretty as the old Temple of Bague theme was, a change is as good as a nod to a blind bat, as they say. They

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Did you think a manifesto pledge meant something?

According to a blog I’ve just come across, Gordon Brown has testified in court (via legal representation, one would expect) that manifesto pledges aren’t actually something to take seriously. Really? Is there more to life than shoes?: Did you think a manifesto pledge meant something?

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Dewey’s Adventure (Wii)

Dewey’s Adventure is just lovely. It’s hard to imagine a cuter game ever existing. Basically, you’re a little blob of water who bottom-scrapes around the place rescuing little cute things from big evil cute things. You can transform into a little cute icy thing for doing cute melee attacks and a little gaseous cloud for

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