Year: 2008

Shiny Goodness

This post has been a long time in the making. Cast your mind back to 2006 – we were an entirely Apple household, with no sign of a nasty PC. Then came the house-moving, the shipping to the other side of the world, the whole Australia fiasco, and then all the coming back. So on

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The Strange Affair of the Cursed Pot Plant

So, my mammie bought us this hyacinth in a pot. It’s very very pretty but smells like dead things. It was sitting on the kitchen window sill and every time anyone walked past it they made a comment about the unnatural reek emanating from it. Because of all the bad vibes being directed at the

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Mystery Dungeon – Shiren the Wanderer

This is probably the best game I’ve played on the DS to date, but it would have worked just as well on the GBA. In fact, given that I’ve been happily playing this game in rogue/hack/nethack/angband/zangband form for near enough twenty years, I’m pretty sure it would work just as well on any platform you

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Zangband (PC)

Yet another embarrassing death, or “Why it’s important to research your class”. Ok, so a new character, level two, rummaging around in the first level of the dungeon. Suddenley I’m hungry. Oh dear, think I, I’ve been too busy playing with the magic system and learning spells that I’ve neglected to eat. Oh! I have

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Thump the Warrior, at level 17, has just been killed. By an insect swarm. I’m going to cry now.

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AudioSurf (PC)

This is just the most wonderfully mad thing ever. Basically, it reads in a song from your music library and turns it into a track with coloured blocks which undulates in time with the music. You zip along the track hitting blocks to get combos or three or more of the same colour. That gets

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Worms: Open Warfare 2 (DS)

First stage of Campaign mode complet0rised! The Pirates are defeated and Bague’s Avengers are victorious! Now I’m up to my eyes in bi-plane flying World War 1 Germans! With the stupendous amount of coins I earned, I’ve unlocked the dreaded Concrete Donkey and the wonderful new Buffalo of Lies! I’ve also discovered that by pressing

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Worms: Open Warfare 2 (DS)

Despite being somewhat disappointed with the horrifically buggy and, frankly, unfinished Open Warfare a year or two ago, the lure of mass invertebrate extermination on a handheld console was reaching fever pitch when I spotted that Open Warfare 2 was getting better reviews. Imagine my discomfort, then, when discovering that it was sitting for a

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Worms Armageddon (PC)

This game is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. And it’s still miles better than many other titles available for the PC. It’s just stupid, funny, ultra-violent and, well, daft. So I’ve created a team called Bague’s Avengers and am working my way up through the ranks in deathmatch mode, cos it’s just got to

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Move over GladOS

For all those wierdos out there who have the closing song from Portal stuck in their head, prepare to have it replaced.

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