Year: 2008

The best sales call ever.

I’ve just taken a cold call at work. It went: “Good afternoon, is it you that looks after the ‘phone systems in your organisation?” “Yes,” I say, “that would be me.” “Ah excellent. My name is XXXXXX and I’m calling from Primus. Do you know anything about voice over IP?” “Yes. Yes, I do,” quoth

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Well, my lovely wife not only managed to raise a fair bit of sponsorship for the local school, but she also managed to complete the 5 kilometer race in quite a respectable time! She had originally planned to dander round at her own pace but then realised that a lot of the others were quite

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My Life as a King (WiiWare)

Well, I’ve had a longer go now and can safely say this is ACEBEST. It’s kinda like a cross between football manager and sim city, but very much simpler than both. Basically, you build a city, hire and train adventurers and send them out to do random stuff. I’m only a short way into it,

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (Wiiware)

I’ve not played this long enough to give any kind of gameplay description – just sufficient to spot a gotcha which may be helpful to others, and to say that it’s very cutesy. The gotcha – if the game seems to hang on the “Create Save Game” screen and not respond to keypresses, check if

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One of the nice things about working in Musselburgh is that it’s a lovely place to be on a sunny day. This lunchtime, safely cocooned in my ipod, I went for a wander down to the harbour (literally across the road from work) and sat there for a wee while eating my lunch, then went

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Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)

Death == DEAD. As Deaths go, he was pretty easy really. Only two forms (this time round – let’s face it, he’s not actually dead and will reappear later in the game). Anyway, as I was saying – two forms – a dark and a light. Dark is pretty much invulnerable to melee attacks, so

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120.9p for a litre of diesel. O RLY?

So, the fuel price is calculated (roughly speaking) as the actual price, then the duty, then the VAT (yes, that’s right folks, you pay tax on the tax!). So let’s take the VAT off that price. 102.8p OK, each litre of diesel has 54.68p duty on it. Let’s get that off as well. 48.2p That’s

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Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)

With the news that there’s a new DS Castlevania game in the making, my explorey juices have started flowing again. This always seems to happen, and it usually results in me playing through all the others in anticipation. Having left Portrait of Ruin unfinished last time, though, means I have to do that first. Sometimes

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