Year: 2008

I hate cars

We’ve only had this one for six months – we bought it after our previous car quietly died in the school car park. Well, our current one has just quietly died on the way to work. So, much hanging about waiting for the A.A. followed by a trip to a garage where the owner gleefully

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A word of warning

Being the cheapskate that I am, I’m using the Nike+ kit without actually spending 75 quid on a pair of trainers. I’m doing this by positioning the sensor strategically in my smelly sock. This is not ideal, as I’ve just discovered. My training program today called for a 2km walk. Dead easy, thought I,

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I’m puggled

So, today was the Mid Calder gala day and our brass band were playing, so Mrs Choobs, child #2, child #3 and I were performing. One march with the procession followed by two thirty minute sets outside different pubs had us utterly puggled. It was a lovely day and a lot of fun, but we

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The Pain part II

Well, I went for my “silly run” (as my wife likes to call it) this morning and feel a good bit better for it. No cigarettes since last night, but I was of course still gasping and wheezing by the end of the paltry kilometer. I did, though, manage to shave 1 minute 40 seconds

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I love Scotland

And here’s why. You just never know what you’re going to get from one minute to the next. See, the week ahead is going to be warm/sunny/rainy, cooler/sunny, cool/rainy, cool, warmer, much warmer and thundery. Probably all at the same time. Watching the dashboard weather gadget having a complete fit every time it updates is

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The pain! The pain!

So anyway, long-term nelefans will know that I’ve attempted to stop smoking many times. Well, it’s time to do it again, but this time with the help of my trusty ipod, a Nike+ running thingy, some science and some stats! See I’m a sucker for stats – nothing motivates me more than shaving a few seconds

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They all seem to come along at once! On the 9th of this month, my wife and I will have been married for 19 years. What a scary thought! Then, on the 12th, celebrates its 12th birthday!  And they’re both remarkable events – the wedding anniversary because it’s incredible that my wife has put

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Bathgate Highland Games

I’ve never been to Highland Games before (although I’ve seen them on the telly) and being in the town five miles down the road it was rude not to go. And it was completely awesome. We all basically just sat about on the grass for a couple of hours watching the larger and hairier variants

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Last month’s desktop

 deKay occasionally posts a screenshot of his current desktop on his blog, just so people can see what wallpaper he’s using. Well, this is a bandwagon I’m happy to jump on, given how frequently my desktop wallpaper changes. It often has a picture of a member of my family on it, and on those occasions

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