Magical Starsign (DS)
What have I been doing? Well, loads as it happens. I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather so have taken the opportunity to have a couple of hours on the DS. With Magical Starsign being completely stylus driven, it means I can play it one handed with the DS resting on a surface which is very nice indeed.
So, I fought loads of otter pirates and defeated them all, then gubbed a big scary wizard bloke who ran away. The plot is unfolding rather interestingly. I then headed to the wind planet and had a bit of a tussle with the police (who have completely given up on actually fighting crime and instead focus on doing paperwork – they obviously have a New Labour government in power). I fell out with some bunnies, did a spot of training with a giant floating kiwi and collected lots of gummy worms and gummy frogs.
Reaching a bit of an impasse, I headed over the to the forest world and battered a big thing and discovered that mad cat people had captured one of my pals. He managed to escape (without my assistance) and legged it. I went for a very long walk in the forest and came across lots of bizarre creatures. My favourites are the ones who use a potentially devastating frog-toss attack – if you time it just right, you can catch the frogs and devour them to regain some HP. No, really.
I’ve reached a bit where I’m a bit stuck for the time being – I need more than three in the party to progress, so it’s time to do a bit more exploring. There’s probably loads more that’s happened, but there’s just so much ACEBESTNESS in this game that it’s difficult to remember any one particularly ACEBEST bit.
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