A funny thing happened.

Well, it depends on your definition of funny, I suppose. Due to a bizarre set of circumstances (which are largely of my own making) I’ve managed to lose not only my entire development archive (graphics, code, sounds, everything) but all the backups as well. tch, eh?

Bit of a pain in the neck really. Not that I was intending doing any coding, but it’s still annoying. So, I thought to myself, maybe it’s a sign for a fresh start? I’ve been toying with the idea of a nice abstract colourful blaster for a while – I had a lot of ideas for Gridrunner but time (and budget) factors meant that it had to be released with only very basic functionality. Maybe it’s time to write a shooty game that does all the things gridrunner was supposed to do. Hrm?

On a related note, you’ll notice that you can no longer download my older games from nelefa.org. The reason for this is that I no longer host the website at work, but at a commercial co-location facility, meaning I pay by data shipped. This in itself would be fine, but I get a shitload of traffic coming from sites where some git has spent twenty minutes scouring the net for free games, built a list of them, and linked directly to the downloads without even giving a link to nelefa.org, meaning he gets to sell lots of advertising on his site, and I have to pay for the downloads 🙁

Anyway, I’ve password protected them for now – if anyone wants any of my games, drop me a line and I’ll mail you the password. Sorry to be so draconian about it, but I didn’t write those games to make money for other people. You don’t see any ads on nelefa.org do you? 😉

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